Trump when told the biggest losers under 'Trumpcare' would be his own voters: 'Oh, I know'
President Donald Trump nodded in agreement during a Wednesday
interview with Fox News' Tucker Carlson when told the American
Health Care Act, the bill to repeal and replace Obamacare, would
cause the most damage to people who voted for him in November.
During the interview, Carlson mentioned
an analysis by Bloomberg that showed that counties that voted
more heavily for Trump in the election would see their tax
credits to purchase insurance fall dramatically and likely see
the number of people without insurance increase.
"Oh, I know. I know," Trump responded. "It's very preliminary,
According to the analysis, people in counties that voted for
Trump would see $6.6 billion in annual tax cuts, while people
living in counties that supported Democratic nominee Hillary
Clinton would get a tax break of $21.9 billion.
Additionally, since the AHCA's tax credits would be flat totals
based on age instead of income and cost of living, some states
would see a sharper decrease in their average premiums.
Based on an
analysis by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the
seven states in which Americans would see their tax credits
decline the most are Alaska, North Carolina, West Virginia,
Oklahoma, Alabama, Nebraska, and Wyoming. Each of those states
voted for Trump. In fact, the 13 states that would see the
steepest declines in tax credits all swung toward Trump in
Despite the disproportionate effect the bill could have on his
own voters, Trump said the bill would eventually pass. But he
suggested changes to the existing version.
"A lot of things aren't consistent," Trump said. "But these are
going to be negotiated.
"And by the way, if we're not going to take care of the people,
I'm not signing anything," he added. "I'm not going to be doing
it, just so you understand."
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Trump when told the biggest losers under 'Trumpcare' would be his own voters: 'Oh, I know'
Reviewed by Unknown
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