Onecoin business: why it's better than Bitcoin

What is one coin?
- One coin is a new type of crypto-currency
- A digitally created currency based on advanced mathematical algorithms
- Born out of the success of Bitcoin
- One-Coin is not pre-mined; the members will create the market, mine the coins and keep the profits.
- One-Coin will be threaded on a public exchange
- Highly lucrative yet simple and fair compensation plan
- One coin has become the next successful crypto-currency on the market.
Why digital currency?
1. To the “unbanked”
•World Bank reports that 40% of adults, that is two billion people have no ‘banking’. No bank accounts.•No financial empowerments, no loans, no developments, no security, no hope.
•Source of all major developing world problems
•World’s No. 1 problems!
• Person –person international money transfers
• $583bn-2014 world bank
• 9 countries -20% of GPD
• Up to 29% cost. Average 7.7%
• $22trn in business-business
• Expensive, restricted, inconvenient
• Crypto-currency – 80% cheaper, faster and unlimited.
• If your income and wealth is based in a currency, it is dependent on the strength of a currency
• Most curriencies are weak ‘strong’ currencies are being destroyed
•Increasing value of One-Coin(diagram)
•One-Coin success bases on Bitcoin(diagram)Why One-Coin is better than Bitcoin
• More advanced and more secure algorithm (SCRIPT)
• Smaller denomination makes coin more usable (2.1 Bn coins) –Bitcoin reached up to 1200 USD per coin, which made it inaccessible for many people and not practical as a currency
• One-exchange provides due to its centralization higher liquidity and less volatility, unlikely multiple Bit-Coin exchanges all settling at different rates.
• Dedicated management team responsible for strategy, ATTRACTING MERCHANTS AND BUILDING THE One coin brand versus decentralised approach of Bitcoin
• One-Coin is mined in mining pools (or teams), keeping individual investment in hardware etc. Minimal
• One-Coin uses KYC procedures and cannot be abused for illegal purposes like Bit-coin was.
• One-Coin is still in early stage and therefore interesting for investors, while Bitcoin is already very mature and the opportunity is over.
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Onecoin business: why it's better than Bitcoin
Reviewed by Torrahclef