The Purpose And Function Of The Subconscious Mind

First of all, let's take a
look at what the subconscious mind is, a simplified look at how it functions,
it's intended purpose and discover how and why it effects the outcomes of what
we call reality. Once you understand how it impacts the various aspects of your
life, you'll be more "motivated" to make the shifts necessary to
begin creating and experiencing "greater results", whatever those
might be for you individually.
It's important to first
understand that the brain and the mind are not the same, as many people
For the sake of this
explanation we'll refer to the mind whether the conscious or subconscious mind
as "spiritual" in nature and the brain as physical in nature.
In other words the brain is
the physical muscle that the mind utilizes and works through to carry out
physical functions. (conscious functions or physical) Since the mind is
spiritual in nature, it must have physical components to carry out the tasks it
needs to accomplish in the physical world. That is where the brain comes in to
the picture.
Here is a simplified example,
using our sense of sight as to how mind and brain interact enabling us as human
entities to function.
When the eye sees something
that it wants, the thought vibrations (coming from the conscious mind) are
conceived and formed. In order to take any further action, say for example to
pick up the object, the conscious mind, must conceive a thought which sends a
signal to the brain igniting an electrochemical process activating nerves and
muscle groups to instruct the arm and hand to move and pick the object up.
During this process a whole
series of mental (spiritual) and physical processes took place. The thought,
(spiritual) was conceived in the mind, which ignited an electrochemical
physical process in the brain, which carried out it's instructions. The result
of the initially conceived thought (unseen/spiritual) became complete as can be
evidenced by the object being held in the hand.(physical) The unseen thought
was an unseen form of energy transmuted into electrical energy in the brain,
making the unseen or non-physical a physical reality which then became a part
of your reality.
Unlike the conscious mind
which is the left brained masculine or dominant portion of your mind that
interprets physical data through the 5 human senses based on what you can see,
hear, smell, taste and touch, the subconscious minds operation is primarily a
recording device and a data storehouse that the conscious mind utilizes to make
rational and logical decisions which it interprets as being rational and
logical based on the quality of data stored in the subconscious aspect of mind.
Notice I said that the
conscious aspect of mind "interprets" the data stored at the
subconscious level as rational and logical. It doesn't necessarily mean that
it's "true."
This is vital to understand
if you truly expect to utilize the power of the subconscious mind
"consciously and intentionally."
The subconscious aspect of
mind stores previous data processed by the conscious mind as well as manages
and controls the subconscious bodily functions. These subconscious functions
are expressed through the autonomic nervous system and govern subconscious
bodily functions like your heart beat, breathing, the pumping of blood,
cellular function, the continuous operation of physical organs etc.
The subconscious aspect of
mind also acts as an unlimited storage facility for all the information
received through the conscious mind, as well as the spiritual perceptions, such
as your connection to God, Gaia, Universal Consciousness, The Super Conscious
Mind or whatever you perceive Source to be. It is through these subconscious
senses that abilities such as psychic powers and intuition are mastered.
Although that's a whole other
subject, it's important to note that while people think of these powers as a
special gift, given only to a select few, ANYONE, through choice, focused
intention, and developing a heightened awareness, can develop and effectively
utilize these skills through learning to "consciously control and
reprogram" the power of the subconscious mind.
Really it's more of a choice
to relinquish control but for the sake of simplicity, we'll use the word
control for now. When it comes to the mind, whether the conscious or the
subconscious controlling it and tapping into the power made available to each
of us is in essence relinquishing control. It's more about "allowing"
than it is controlling.
We'll cover more about that
in other sections of the site.
Unlike your brain and body,
the subconscious mind never sleeps or never rests. It is working 24 hours per
day 7 days a week, and consistently absorbing data, creating and sending out
vibrational frequencies based on the information that's been processed and stored
within it through the filtering mechanism of the conscious mind.
These vibrational frequencies
(energy) are then projected into "the field", matched with harmonious
vibrations in the universe, and are then transmuted from "waves of
probability" into "particles of matter", manifest into the
physical and become what you see in your outside physical world and perceive as
Are you beginning to
understand the power of the subconscious mind as well as it's importance?
It is through this
"spiritual" connection, enabled by the power of the subconscious mind
to attune with Universal Consciousness or Higher Power, that true wisdom,
knowledge and power is attained and how what many perceive to be miracles are
experienced in the physical world.
For example if you have ever
seen or heard of what some call a miracle healing of some illness or disease,
it is attained through first of all, a belief or faith stored in the
subconscious of the healed, that the healing could occur, (which has been
stored in the subconscious mind by way of the sensory input and interpretation
of the dominant conscious mind) and second, a transmission of emotional energy
(or vibration) projected outward which attracts to it energy or vibrations of
the same vibrational intensity or frequency from the universe, which allows the
physical manifestation process to take place and enables the healing to occur.
This is why it is so
important, crucial in fact to have an awareness and understanding of the power
of the subconscious mind.
It is also important in some
cases to gain at least a basic understanding of the Natural Laws that govern
this process which will serve to establish and solidify your belief with regard
to YOUR ability to connect at will to God, Higher Power, Supreme Energy, or
Universal Consciousness (the Source) before you will become enabled and
empowered to put the power of the subconscious mind and these principles into
consciously creative operation.
To briefly recap on this
knowledge, all things, seen or unseen, that exist within our universe, broken
down into their most basic and purest form consist of a mass of atoms and/or
subatomic particles, or pure energy.(consciousness) All energy (or
consciousness) is purely vibration and each of us constitute a vibrating mass
of atoms that comes from the Creator of that energy, which we have come to know
as God, Higher Power or Universal Consciousness.(Law of Vibration) This is
evident through the study of all spiritual writings as well as measurable and
proven by modern day science.
It has also been
scientifically documented that vibrating energies that are of the same
vibrational intensity (or frequencies) are attracted to and join with other
vibrations of the same vibrational intensity and combine to form matter which
collectively joins to create the events and circumstances that we come to know
as our physical reality. (The Law Of Attraction)
All thought is generated from
the mind, both conscious and subconscious. Your conscious mind (dominant) is
the means by which, the subconscious receives it's information, stores it, and
goes to work to attract, create, or bring into the physical world, what you
come to know as your truth or reality, based on your individually held beliefs
and perceptions resulting in the kind and quality of your day to day life
The subconscious mind makes
no determinations, distinctions or judgments concerning the validity of the
data or information it receives and stores. It is designed as the storage
facility to store whatever data is given to it which can be accessed for later
use and accepts as fact. It accepts as fact whatever the conscious mind sends
to it. In other words unlike the conscious mind which can analyze and make a
determination or judgment concerning if the data it analyzes has any meaning,
merit or truth to it, the subconscious mind has no logical or rational
reasoning capability whatsoever.
It simply accepts and stores
the data provided to it. It always says YES in other words.
To better understand the
process, it can best be explained like this...
A thought is conceived. It is
then analyzed by the conscious mind which ignites an electro chemical process
within the brain. Neuro pathways are activated as the data processes through
the brain. As the data travels, additional cells throughout the brain are
imprinted with the data being processed. The conscious mind then attaches
emotion to the thought based on it's "perceived" interpretation of
the data, which increases the frequency (vibration) of the thought and a belief
is established and stored in the subconscious mind as truth. (or reality)
This data, or perceived truth
can then be recalled, accessed and utilized in the future by the conscious mind
to support or discredit future data being received and interpreted by the
conscious mind.
It is now the job of the
subconscious mind to locate and provide that data which it has stored, an
emotion is created based on the memory of that data which creates a vibrational
frequency (energy) based on the data or belief that it previously received,
which is broadcast outward and matched with like or harmonious vibrations
(energy) of the same frequency in the spiritual realm, (the field) and the
result is the creation or manifestation of what you come to see and experience
in your physical world.
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The Purpose And Function Of The Subconscious Mind
Reviewed by Unknown