The Best and Worst Feelings you Have in Your Late 20’s

If you are past your late 20’s, congratulations. You made it! If you have not yet passed it, you will make it. I have and it was not easy, but you willmake it. This stage can have a lot of ups and downs, as well as lefts and rights. It can get complicated and confusing, but at the same time it can also be great.
The data science team from the happiness app, Happify has found that there was a sharp increase in stress levels of the members who joined their service in 2015 who were in their late 20’s and early 30’s.
Here are some examples of the best and worst feelings that happen when you are in your late 20’s:

1. Best feeling: You’ve taken more control of your life compared to your early 20’s.

Your early to middle 20’s is when you probably started your first job after college. At this point, you have started earning your own money and paying off your debts. This continues into your late 20’s, and as the debts get lower and the job gets more stable, you are probably already saving up for that big travel adventure or for that big downpayment to buy your first house. At this point, you feel that you are in control.

Worst feeling: You’re going to lose some control of your life soon, as family issues (especially if you’re going to have kids or your parents have health issues) very likely will come up.

However, at this point in your late 20’s when you feel that you are finally in control of your own life, other issues over which you have no control can arise. Examples of these are stress from parents’ health issues or having kids, and then having unexpected expenses arise due to these situations.

2. Best feeling: You are realizing your ambitions step by step.

When you are in your late 20’s and in a job that you really like, you suddenly find yourself being grateful that, unlike your new co-workers who are fresh out of school and struggling to find their “root” job and what they really want, you have already found yours. You do not need to prove yourself anymore to anyone because being in your late 20’s has made you a much more confident person than you were before. You feel that you are all set for life.

Worst feeling: You feel that you don’t have much time.

However, there will be sleepless nights when you feel that you do not have enough time to enjoy your success. You feel that most of your time is spent building a great future, but when will all the hard work stop?

3. Best feeling: You find yourself much more mature than before.

You give yourself a pat on the back and think that this is the most mature that you have been in your whole life. You know yourself better and you have endured a lot of ups and downs and have come out of it shining like a star. You think that you rock and you do not care anymore what others think of you. You have become strong and confident.

Worst feeling: You feel that your body has matured a lot, too.

Mentally you are feeling confident, but when you look at yourself in the mirror you suddenly notice that some wrinkles have set in. The 5-kilometer run that used to make you feel energetic is suddenly making you feel like you can’t breathe. You feel your body changing and this makes you feel vulnerable.

4. Best feeling: You already know what you want.

You know that you want to work for the company that you are working for now until retirement. You know that you want to live in the country that you are currently living in. You know that you will need to get married in a few years- or now. You are set. You know what you want.

Worst feeling: You don’t feel like settling/you can’t settle.

On the flip side of knowing what you want, you feel that you do not want to settle. You know that if you settle, you could get bored, or end up hating what you thought you had wanted. Maybe you are scared that you will make the wrong decision. Then you get stuck because you do not want to decide just yet.
Yes, being in your late 20’s is a hard and complicated stage in life. What you can do is to use all of the resources that are there to help you. Talk to your parents, close friends, seek counseling, or read self-help books. Most importantly, remind yourself that what you are going through is normal and that there are many out there who are experiencing the same things.

The Best and Worst Feelings you Have in Your Late 20’s The Best and Worst Feelings you Have in Your Late 20’s Reviewed by Unknown on 11:53:00 Rating: 5

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