5 Steps to Becoming a More Empowered You in the New Year

Each year, people start off the New Year with a resolution that's probably similar to one made in previous years. And every January, there's a new commitment to making it really work this year.
the problem: People who make these "renewed" resolutions aren’t really committed to
changing who they are on the inside. So these resolutions -- whether it's
getting in shape or growing a network or improving productivity -- become
simply a test of willpower.
needs to happen instead is a true change of perspective: Who you are, why you
are here and what life really means to you.
truth is, once you decide to look at yourself in the mirror every day and
commit to holding yourself accountable to be the “best you” you can be, then all of
your goals and resolutions become more easily attainable. That's because the
real change is happening from within. The self-sabotaging habits begin to
diminish and confidence, self-esteem and self-worth increases.
life we have control of one thing only -- our perspective. No matter what
happens, you can train yourself to see the good or lesson in everything that is
happening around you. This can make your feel empowered instead of powerless in
many circumstances.
a serial entrepreneur, I've adopted these mantras in order to create a more
positive perspective, both professionally and personally. By following them, you
can take control of your life and get empowered to live the life you truly
"Someday is Today." Stop procrastinating and creating excuses for why
you can't have what you want. Take control. Announce to yourself "someday
is today" every day, to seize the day and eradicate an excuse mentality.
More Fear of Regret Than Failure." Remind yourself that the feeling of
regret is so much worse than trying something (even if it doesn't work out) and
living with no regrets. Realize fear is an illusion that holds you back. By
doing so, you will set yourself free to live to your fullest potential.
"I Only Have Good Days." Remember, the only thing in the world we
have control over is our perspective. You can choose to adopt a consistently
positive perspective and find the good in everything. Or you can be negative,
and attract more negative things into your life. The mantra "I only have
good days" reminds you to see the positive for a better outcome.
"Opportunities Lie Within Every Obstacle." It can be tough to dig
deep and find the positive, especially when confronted by challenges. But if
you choose the positive, you will find the opportunity and nuggets of wisdom in
every obstacle that presents itself in your life.
"Live With Passion and Purpose." Stop asking "what should I be
doing" and start understanding "who you want to be." What do you
want your legacy to be? As you reflect, you will begin to understand your
purpose. That will make it easier to live with more passion and stay further
away from needless and draining distractions or drama. Identifying your purpose
and living with passion is the most authentic way to be empowered all day,
every day.
these mantra’s handy. Perhaps post them on a mirror or wall so
that you will be reminded how to “mentally reset” when you fall into old
patterns and perspectives that can sabotage your best efforts. Empower yourself
to have a happier, more fulfilling, successful life. Then this year really can
be THE year to achieve your goals and live the life you desire
5 Steps to Becoming a More Empowered You in the New Year
Reviewed by Unknown