60 Tips for Success in 140 Characters or Less

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Let’s get right to it. Here are 60 tips for success in 140 characters or less:
1. Constantly plant seeds for your future success.
2. Prepare yourself for success by polishing your craft, strengthening your body, and sharpening your mind.
3. Know that success is about quality.
4. Have a vivid vision of what you want.
5. Act “as if” you’re already a success.
6. Always seek to create value.
7. Be well-groomed and well-dressed.
8. Invest in yourself: read good books, attend seminars, and learn all you can.
9. Each day do the best that you can, where you are, with what you have.
10. Honor your worth.
11. Take responsibility for your choices and the consequences that follow.
12. Demonstrate ease: stop complaining; stop making excuses; don’t overreact to problems; and don’t take on more than you can do.
13. Come up with your own definition of success.
14. Know that happiness breeds success; not the other way around.
15. No matter how many mistakes you’re making, or how slowly you’re moving, you’re still ahead of the people who are not even trying.
16. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
17. Success is the result of hard work and persistence.
18. Learn from failure and defeat.
19. Persist, but know when to quit.
20. Have goals for your life, for each year, for each month, for each week, for each day, and for each hour.
21. Have the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you were meant to be.
22. Make educated decisions and take smart risks.
23. Each time life knocks you down, get back up.
24. Always be on the lookout for opportunities.
25. Find a way, or make one.
26. Develop good habits.
27. Break bad habits.
28. Do more of what works: quit doing what doesn’t work.
29. Don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today.
30. Learn to master fear.
31. Put yourself out there.
32. Think about what you want; stop thinking about what you don’t want.
33. Focus on your work and avoid distractions.
34. Learn to manage your time.
35. Treat others with respect.
36. Feel genuine joy and excitement for the success of others.
37. Be mentally strong: be resilient and conquer worry and self-doubt.
38. Be a realistic optimist.
39. As long as you have goals and are working toward achieving them, consider yourself a success.
40. Don’t give away your power: don’t allow others to control what you do or how you feel.
41. Roll with the punches.
42. Stop wasting time worrying about what other people think of you.
43. Act, and then make adjustments as you go.
44. Believe in yourself and in your dreams.
45. Know that there’s no such thing as an overnight success.
46. Success is about being resourceful with what you have.
47. Wake up early.
48. Every minute you spend dwelling on the past is a minute you’re not spending creating a better future.
49. Don’t compare yourself to others; compare yourself to who you were yesterday.
50. Stop waiting for the perfect time to start; the time to start is now.
51. Have confidence that you can attain your goals.
52. Work on your character.
53. Work on your attitude.
54. Enjoy the journey.
55. Be impeccable with your word: say only what you mean and follow through with what you say you’re going to do.
56. If you want to improve your circumstances, improve yourself.
57. Choose wisely who you spend time with: you’re the average of your five closest associates.
58. Stop fixating on things over which you have no control.
59. Eat the frog: do the most important things first.
60. Recognize that problems and difficult individuals are just obstacles to be overcome.
Succeed and live your best life by following the 60 success tips above!

60 Tips for Success in 140 Characters or Less 60 Tips for Success in 140 Characters or Less Reviewed by Unknown on 12:56:00 Rating: 5

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