4 Failed Marketing Buzzwords That You Really Shouldn't Use
Ask any marketer what she
does and you’ll get a different answer. That’s because marketing is a hard discipline to define.
We don’t cure people like doctors or build things like architects
or even blow up the economy like those slick Wall Street guys.
While Malcolm Gladwell
popularized the idea of influentials, research shows that they don’t really exist.
The truth is what marketers
do most of the time is meet and discuss—endlessly.
We discuss the brief and trends and the consumer mindset and just about
everything else you can imagine.
Crucial to these discussions
are buzzwords, which serve as shorthand for more complex concepts that nobody
really understands. They save the time and energy that we would otherwise
spend actually thinking about things. The problem is that some of the
ideas buzzwords represent are themselves nonsense and lead us astray. Here are
four of them:
1. Engagement
Engagement is a prototypical
buzzword because it is so marvelously sublime that nobody can actually define
what it means. Basically, it is a very vague way of pointing out that
what you do should interest consumers and not bore them. It is, in essence, a
value distinction and not a strategy.
A much more operable term is
value exchange, which can either be related to the product (Apple),
content (Michelin Guides, American Express Open Forum) or social experience (a
local pub, Zynga).
While not a perfect term,
thinking about value exchange leads to more serious strategies for building
assets in the marketplace, rather than optimizing for questionable metrics such
as tweets, likes and video views.
We have to get away from
speaking about engagement as if it were a definable quantity. If
consumers perceive real value, they will be engaged.
2. Influentials
Ever since Malcolm Gladwell
formulated the Law of the Few in his bestselling The Tipping
Point marketers have been obsessed with identifying “Influentials.”
These magical people, so the story goes, have “rare social gifts”
that enable them to set trends for the rest of us. Look at any social
epidemic, Gladwell argues, and you’ll
find Influentials at the center.
As I’ve noted before, Influentials are a waste of time. We
know this because a vast body of empirical research has found no evidence that
they are either necessary or sufficient to produce the long viral chains
that we know as social epidemics. Further, a common sense appraisal of events
like the Arab Spring would show that influence is, at best, a moving target.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that some people don’t have more influence than others. Certain
groups, like celebrities and heads of state, wield influence through mass media
or the powers of their office. Others, like managers and moms, have influence
over particular purchase decisions.
Yet we don’t need any mysterious terms for people like this.
and “moms” are perfectly
sufficient. In truth, social epidemics are driven by networks of people
who are passionate about an idea and these can adequately be identified through
conventional targeting methods.
3. Loyalty
Marketers love loyalty and
are quick to point out that it’s easier to retain a
customer than to win over a new one. So when sales are suffering, it’s tempting to try to inch up loyalty metrics rather
than to increase market penetration. After all, even a small improvement
in loyalty will be leveraged across the entire customer base.
Alas, the truth is that
market penetration and customer loyalty are highly correlated, so the best
thing you can do to improve loyalty is to sell to more customers. While
this may seem counterintuitive, it does make sense. High selling items
tend to get more shelf space, so strategies likely to increase initial
purchases are likely to increase repeat purchases as well.
Further, there’s not much marketers can really do to increase
loyalty. Studies show that loyalty programs are generally not effective
and that the most important factor for instilling loyalty is customer
experience, an area in which marketers are only tangentially involved.
So don’t get caught up in the loyalty trap. Your time
and effort will be much better spent promoting advocacy through effective
social marketing and value exchange than devising gimmicks to promote repeat
4. Unique
When Jack Welch first took
over at General Electric, he decided that every business must be #1 or #2 in
its category or it would be divested. It was a successful strategy for a
while, until his managers got wise and simply defined their category in such a
way that they would appear to be leaders.
Marketers like to play the
same game with “unique selling propositions,” narrowing down the product definition so that they
are unique in a category of one, like “the
very best nail salon with a blue awning on the west side of town.” This is a complete waste of time.
First, you’re probably not unique in any significant way. Second,
if you were, it would be obvious enough that it wouldn’t take a long drawn out discussion to uncover just how
unique you are. Finally, research suggests that differentiation plays a
limited role in purchase decisions anyway. After all, how many “unique” items do you buy?
4 Failed Marketing Buzzwords That You Really Shouldn't Use
Reviewed by Unknown