25 Reasons Why It Is Great to Be Single (While Everyone Around is in a Relationship)

woman on a bike
Whoever said being single sucks didn’t know how to be single. Being single is great, which is why a majority of the U.S. population currently is.
Being in a relationship can be comforting and attractive and it can teach you a lot about love. But it can also limit you. Being single, on the other hand, opens up a whole world of freedom you never even knew existed. Stop worrying that you are still single, and instead embrace the positive sides of your life situation.
Here are 25 reasons being single rocks when all your friends are tied down.

1. You can flirt all you want.

If you practice enough, flirting can become one of your most treasured pastimes.

2. Going out has endless possibilities.

We’ve all had that friend who got into a relationship and was never seen again.
Going out isn’t as much fun when you’re committed. When you’re single, going out is a whole different story! And it usually involves a happy ending.

3. The only person you have to check in with is your mother.

And even my mother doesn’t care as much about what I’m doing as some of my ex-girlfriends. 

4. You can still enjoy the wonders of dating apps.

One word: TINDER.

5. You never have to clear your browsing history.

Which gives you time for more important things, like binge watching Game of Thrones.

6. You can take up the whole bed any night of the week.

What I miss most when I’m in a relationship are my bed sheets.
Let’s face it, partners hog the bed and when you call them out for it they always have some lame excuse like, “I was trying to snuggle.” I don’t want to snuggle, woman! I want my bed back.

7. You can’t argue with a boyfriend/girlfriend when you don’t have one.

Isn’t it just the best feeling when you’re out having a grand old time, drinking beer, hitting on anything that walks, and you look over to see a couple fighting? That’s sweet success, my single friends.

8. You can watch Beyonce’s visual album Lemonade without worrying whether you, yourself, are being cheated on.

I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all seen Beyonce’s newest claim to fame. We’ve seen it, we’ve talked about it, we’ve probably even tweeted about it. The final consensus seems to be that nobody in a relationship feels safe. If the Queen Bee is being cheated on, I’m screwed!

9. You don’t have to plan a wedding.

Weddings are only awesome when all you did was show up. I have been to my fair share of weddings, and I’m convinced that the person who has the most fun is never the bride, nor the groom.
It’s the single guests who are mingling with a bunch of people they’ve never met before (and will probably never see again) and ordering drinks from an open bar. It’s no wonder that one in four Millennials have taken marriage off the table.

10. If you’re not thinking about marriage, you certainly don’t have to worry about divorce.

Enough said.

11. You can be anyone you want on any given day.

When you’re in a relationship, you can’t pretend to be someone you’re not. You’ll be busted immediately.

12. You don’t have to wonder if you’re with the right person.

If you’re anything like me, every person you’ve ever dated has become a question of your own identity.
And if you’re anything like me, your answer to a friend asking whether he’s with the right girl is always, “If you have to ask, dump her.”

13. You never have to do anything you don’t feel like doing.

This includes going shopping, seeing a movie with Liam Hemsworth in it, or having sex with the same person over and over.

14. You don’t have to smell someone else’s farts.

Unless you have friends like mine. Let me rephrase this. You don’t have to smell someone else’s farts and feel obligated to sleep with them later.

15. You don’t have to share your meals.

Yes, I am going to eat all of my fries. Thank you very much.

16. You don’t have to hangout with your girlfriend or boyfriend’s annoying friends.

You only have to hang out with your own friends’ annoying girlfriends or boyfriends. I’ll take this option any day.

17. You can watch whatever you want after work.

No more Real Housewives of whatever city. No more sports game you don’t care about. Score!

18. You know you haven’t settled.

What’s worse than being alone? Settling for someone horrible because you don’t want to be alone.

19. You have time to work on yourself.

The periods of my life in which I have grown and accomplished the most on a personal level are the same periods of time that I was single. Coincidence? I think not.
I know people in dead-end, long-term relationships that have completely lost their drive and forgotten their passions. Being single gives you the time necessary to pursue your own dreams.

20. You can be completely selfish.

While all your friends complain about how they have to do this or that for their significant others, you can do whatever you want.

21. You can experiment.

Sexually or scientifically, you decide.

22. You can travel.

If you want to get the experience of traveling by yourself, it’s better when you’re single. You don’t have to call your girlfriend to tell her where you’re going next month. You don’t have to worry about your boyfriend being offended that you didn’t invite him, or asking what you’re doing every step of the trip.

23. You save money.

Dating is expensive. Holidays are expensive. Love has a price tag.

24. Life is more adventurous.


25. You still have the excitement of finding the one.

Sure, everyone around you has already found the one, or at least they think they have. But the search is not over for you, and that’s thrilling.
25 Reasons Why It Is Great to Be Single (While Everyone Around is in a Relationship) 25 Reasons Why It Is Great to Be Single (While Everyone Around is in a Relationship) Reviewed by Unknown on 01:31:00 Rating: 5

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