10 Reasons The Youngest Child Is Always Likeable

Likeable Youngest Child
Everybody who has siblings knows that the oldest one always makes the rules, the middle one is the reason why there are rules in the first place, and that the rules do not apply to the youngest. Being the youngest of three, I can’t agree with this more. While every sibling has traits that make them stand out, the youngest child is almost always a fan favorite.

1. They are quirky

Being the youngest of the bunch usually comes with the “privilege” of getting hand-me-downs, which usually throws all chances of having a fashion sense out the window. While this may seem like such a downer, it helps the youngest not worry too much about appearances. They may develop a quirky fashion sense that makes them their own person.

2. They are trustworthy

As much as siblings like to argue and fight, they share an inseparable bond that you simply can not have with any other person. With this bond comes great responsibility. You may be the bearer of a few secrets that your siblings may have entrusted you with. You would not let those secrets out, even if it meant the end of the world. Being trusted like this by older siblings at a young age will carry into adulthood.

3. They tend to be funnier

…and there is research to prove it. The older sibling is said to feel more responsibility than their younger counterparts. With the responsibility not falling on them, the younger sibling tends to feel more relaxed, lighthearted, and able to see the humor in situations that the older sibling(s) may overlook.

4. They learn how to keep to themselves

While the older sibling(s) may feel the need to compete for attention, the younger sibling is simply okay with blending into the crowd when the time calls for it. Younger siblings have become so familiar with being brushed off by older siblings, and sometimes parents, that they learn to keep to themselves and to be content with this.

5. They are naturally good listeners

Throughout the course of their life, the younger sibling has numerous parents, siblings, family members, teachers, and other various elders wanting to share wisdom, advice, and stories, whether they want to hear them or not. For the sake of not coming across as rude, they learn to listen to what everybody has to say to them, and as they get older they look forward to this because they don’t want to miss out on anything good!

6. They are usually more outgoing than their older siblings

This is another good point that is backed by research. It goes back to the feeling of responsibility that the older sibling(s) may feel. With less to worry about around the house, the younger sibling can appear to be more outgoing than the older ones.

7. They are more creative than their older siblings

While studies show that older siblings tend to have higher IQ’s, the younger ones are usually more creative.The reason behind this is that the parents may be less likely to give the youngest as much attention towards their education as they did to their first or even second-born. While this may sound negative, it has its advantages in the creativity department. This gives the youngest the opportunity to think outside of the box. Also, if you remember from the beginning, the rules don’t apply to the youngest sibling. They have a healthy disregard for the rules. This sense of freedom is what helps mold the creative minds of the younger sibling.

8. They learn from other people’s mistakes more than from their own

Younger siblings always look up to their older brothers and sisters, whether the example set be good or bad. When the times are bad, the youngest finds the opportunity to learn from this so they don’t find themselves in the same situation later on.

9. They don’t require as many rules as their siblings did

After trying to enforce so many rules on older siblings, parents tend to be a little more lenient on the last one. They are at the point in their parenting career where they know what works best and what doesn’t, requiring less trial and error.

10. They will always be the baby!

The youngest sibling will always be seen as the baby by parents, older siblings, and family. What’s not to like about that? They are the last child to rock to sleep, to wake up in the middle of the night to comfort, and the last to watch graduate high school and college. While parents will always hold those memories for all of their kids, there will always be a special place for their youngest.
10 Reasons The Youngest Child Is Always Likeable 10 Reasons The Youngest Child Is Always Likeable Reviewed by Unknown on 22:59:00 Rating: 5

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