6 Reasons YOU CAN DO IT (#4: That One Dumb Rich Guy You Know Did It)

"The will to do springs from the knowledge that we CAN do." –James Allen
What is the number one thing you most wish you could do or achieve in life? Today I'm here to tell you… you can do it. No question. I know without a doubt that whatever it is you most want to do in life that you. can. DO IT.
Wanna know how I know? The following six reasons:

1. The Spice Girls did it.

I want you to go listen to the song “Wannabe” ("I'll tell you what I want what I really really want") for as long as you can stand it. So like 17 seconds probably. Now realize that this song was (still is) the best-selling single by a female band in the history of the WORLD.
You can do it.

2. Kim Kardashian did it.

Did what? Exactly.
If Kim Kardashian walked right past your face, you wouldn't recognize her. She's like 5 feet tall, three-fourths of her body weight is her butt, and here is a picture of her prior to her daily four hour makeup session. She's just a regular person except with less obvious talent and probably lower IQ than you.
You can do it.

3. The Snuggie did it.

The Snuggie, perhaps the most ridiculous invention of all time, has sold 20 million units grossing over $400 million. The best part? They stole the idea from The Slanket which was invented 10 years prior. So… someone saw a dumb idea, stole it, renamed it something better and now they're rich.
You can do it.

4. That one dumb rich guy you personally know did it.

Everyone has one—that one friend who is so freakin’ stupid and so filthy rich it makes you want to seriously question God's sanity and apparent lack of justice.
Your friend may not be smart, but he's doin' it.
You can do it.

5. Albert Einstein did it.

Albert Einstein didn't start talking until he was 4 years old. It's called Einstein Syndrome. He divorced his wife and married his cousin. He refused to wear socks. He declined a surgery which could have saved him because "extending life artificially is tasteless."
The best part? Much like the Snuggie, he stole a lot of his ideas from other physicists. E=MC2? Published by Olinto De Pretto two years prior to Einstein. Every scientist friend I know says Einstein was nowhere near as smart as people think. He was simply well connected and a good marketer.
I'm not saying you should steal people's ideas and call them your own, but...
You can do it.

6. I did it.

I was arrested for trying to steal a football kicking tee from Target when I was in junior high. In case you're curious, I tried to steal it by putting it down my pants. Have you ever seen a football tee? I'm not talking about a T-shirt. I'm talking about the four-pronged plastic thingy you prop the ball on to kick it.
I started smoking and skipping school in seventh grade.
Alcohol and drugs in 10th grade.
I don't think I graduated high school (I know I never got a physical diploma for sure).
I never even considered going to college.
I was a drug-addicted, sociopathic party-boy for approximately ten years of my young adult life.
I filed bankruptcy, was foreclosed on and had my cars repo'd when I was 24 years old.
I was a repeat relational disaster until my wife saved me five years ago against her better judgement.
But guess what.
I'm married to a beautiful woman who's not my cousin to the best of my knowledge, have a wonderful daughter, own businesses, sold businesses, contribute to society as opposed to wreaking havoc on it, write stuff people read for some weird reason, live in a mansion and not prison as previously predicted by many, and have stuff most people will only see on their vision boards.
All the glory to God. He saved me when I couldn't.
He told me to give you a message today. And that message is:
Change your mind, and the world changes with it.
Share this if you believe it.
Preston Ely is founder and CEO of RealEstateMogul.com, an Inc. magazine "Fastest Growing Company." He has built and sold multiple businesses and was recently voted one of Fast Company's "Most Influential People On The Internet." He makes $0 a year teaching success principles; he makes millions of dollars a year applying them to his own life and businesses. He writes articles for SUCCESS.com for the fun of it. Follow him at PrestonEly.com, on Facebookand on Twitter.

6 Reasons YOU CAN DO IT (#4: That One Dumb Rich Guy You Know Did It) 6 Reasons YOU CAN DO IT (#4: That One Dumb Rich Guy You Know Did It) Reviewed by Unknown on 03:57:00 Rating: 5

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